Branding SharePoint has become an important part of corporate communications and brand strategy that ensure consistency of look and feel. Branding not only represents company’s identity but it is something that creates a huge impact on how people perceive about your business and its applications. Branding describes your Corporate Attitude.

Velocity has been providing Sharepoint Branding Services since the days of Sharepoint 2007. Few fronts where our experienced and skilled team can assist you are –

1. Designing clean, custom Master Page with CSS and custom themes and page layouts

2. Quick design modifications

3. Complete re-branding solutions to transform your entire user experience

4. Modification of your site design to SharePoint Platform for a seamless transition

Our developers and designers work in close sync to deliver applications that are boosted up with design, provide good usability and meet industry requirements for better accessibility.

Our Services-
SharePoint branding and designing services at Velocity covers a wide range of user interface including-

1) Custom Master Page Development

2) Brand strategy with SharePoint implementation

3) Graphics optimization and UI testing

4) Creation of Custom SharePoint UI control

5) Development of brand adoption strategy and design concepts

6) Conversion of existing website for Master Page and Theme development

7) Style sheets, templates, definitions implementation

Apart from providing the above mentioned services, we also offer full support and guidance for applying enhancements in future as well.

Why choose us –

I. Reliability and Timely completion of work

II. Customer Delight – Complete Client Satisfaction

III. Providing client’s brand an edge over the competitors

IV. Fully customized web portals designed specifically as per the nature of your business

Get in touch today to know more about our SharePoint Branding services!!


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