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4 Deadly ecommerce Web Designing mistakes to avoid for startups

  • By Nitin Jain
  • January 10, 2015

ecommerce website designing

E-commerce business is flourishing today and even global brands are now catching up on this trend and selling their products online. However you need to be wise enough while setting up your store business. This comes out to be valid in both the situations, i.e whether you are running a simple brick-and-mortar store or operating your business online. A well designed and highly structured website is bound to earn huge revenue and boost up productivity for sure.

The most common failure of eCommerce businesses is the lack of understanding from customer’s point of view. As a result, they suffer minimum to no online sales. Your customers don’t expext you to fly rocket size since the very initial stage, but you should still follow the outlook of established online retailers, who constantly try to keep customers flocking to their store for online purchases.

Are you a Startup in a highly competitive field of eCommerce? 

Is your Business making any of these notable mistakes?

1- Having Poor Quality Images

A picture speaks a thousand words. Whenever, we talk about eCommerce, the first thing that crosses our mind is pictures or images. E-commerce websites that uses low quality product photography have lower sales conversions and do not capture as many sales. Visitors coming to your site can’t pick up your products and look at them, so your images really have “to go the extra mile” for doing that.

2- Not Providing Accurate Product Information

If you want your visitors to convert, you need to provide well- researched and informational written content about your products. It is equally important to ensure that images are included for all your products. A well- built eCommerce website often offers multiple images and detailed description on all their products.

Every product should have a short description as well as an independent page with detailed information and images. Good websites often offer additional product guides and brochures for their products.

3- Poor Marketing Plan

Do not underestimate the power of eCommerce world. If you look around, you will find millions of eCommerce websites out there. Unfortunately, eCommerce marketing plans are a “tough row to hoe”, you need to ensure why your website is unique from others in the market. For doing so, you will have to identify your target audiences and understand what best you can offer to them.

With a proper marketing plan, what best you can do is, identify and understand the importance of social media, Google analytics, SEO and PPC. These marketing strategies can be implemented in a proper way to help you drive sale to your website.

4- Choose the wrong eCommerce Platform To Market Your Business

Selecting the wrong eCommerce software will surely lead to an annoying and frustrating experience. Befor deciding upon, which eCommerce platform to choose for your business, you need to identify the requirements of your business.

You need to understand how you can manage the functionality of your website and what resources you will have to support website management with the help of right business tools. You need to think about whether or not you take a hosted solution like Shopify, or a more customized installation. The more popular software platform is often the most tested, so try to get that for your business.

If you just choose to avoid the above given 4 mistakes, you will surely be able to design an effective online eCommerce shop with maximum revenue and greater traffic.