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Velocity’s System for Home Based Newborn Care Plus (HBNC+) program

  • By Joe
  • December 3, 2020


The Home Based Newborn Care Plus (HBNC+) program of the National Health Mission (NHM) of India is one of the many initiatives aimed to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates (MMR & IMR). A key element of this program is periodic home visits by Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) every quarter until the first birthday of an infant where they perform a checklist of healthcare procedures to ensure healthy mothers and babies.

  • 20,000 Trained ASHA Worker Entered Infant Data
  • 4 Major States covered  In CHI
  • 800,000 Home Visits Data  Entered every Month

HBNC+ program

The Problem

High Infant Morbidity and Mortality

An estimated 6.3 million children under 15 years of age died in 2017, or 1 every 5 seconds. With these numbers, Infant deaths in India remained the highest in the world.

The main causes are High Rates of Pneumonia and Diarrhea. Inadequate knowledge of mothers / families on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) and child rearing practices.

The Solution

Monitoring Structured Home visits by ASHAs

HBNC+ is an innovation being tried out under Norway India Partnership Initiative and is being implemented in 13 districts of the country in the four states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Rajasthan. ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) goes to conduct structured home visitation at 3,6,9 and 12 months of child birth.

All the visits by ASHAs are monitored and tracked in the system. HBNC+ facilitates real time Data Entry. A user can enter data via any Mobile/ Computer device. The data of every household is entered into the system along with the details of new born children. Follow up reminder messages are sent to the parents as well for tracking of Low Birth Weight babies.

  • 2.4 mil. Home visit Data captured By the system
  • 70% Children Data captured And tracked
  • 700k Infant Data entered in CHI

Data Collection

Velocity’s system is used to enter the Data collected by ASHAs on new born children. The Data collected is Tracked using unique code given to each LBW Children. The system of velocity provides an approval process. The Data entered is approved by the supervisors to avoid any discrepancy in the Data.

HBNC+ Roll Out Process

HBNC+ Roll Out Process


Interactive Dashboard

Get the visitation report through dashboard and filter Data according to Geography and year.

Interactive Dashboard

Dive into details

Get District wise reports and filter is on the basis of Date

Dive into details

Monitor Home Visitation

Monitor complete Visitations by getting the complete reports and also export the report in excel.

Monitor Home Visitation

Filter by Geography

All the reports are available at State, District and Block Level.

Filter by Geography

Filter by Dates

User can filter out the Home Visitations by Dates.

Filter by Dates

Upload Children Registered

Upload Children Registered  Data under MCTS directly into the system.

Upload Children Registered

Get Line Listing of the children Registered

Get the Line Listing of the Children Registered Data under MCTS directly from the system.

Get Line Listing of the children Registered

Filter by Geography

Children Report is available at States, Districts and Blocks Level.

Filter by Geography

Filter by Dates

User can filter out the Children Registered under MCTS by Dates.

Filter by Dates

Data Visualization

The Data collected by the ASHAs is shown on an interactive Dashboard. The Dashboard includes key monitoring of all the infants. Any user can easily compare reports of various Districts through Dashboard and will not need to look into any paperwork.

Comparative analysis between baseline and findings of periodic assessments: (2013 – 2017)

Comparative analysis between baseline and findings of periodic assessments: (2013 - 2017)

“ We are helping 1.25 Crore infants by Home Based New Born Care (HBNC) Programme. Because of all the hard work and support put into the programme, we are able to implement it successfully.”

Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi

Prime Minister

Government of India