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5 Killer Tips That Can Change The Face And Fortune Of Your Social Media Strategy

  • By Joe
  • October 20, 2015


Business organizations are using various social media platforms to harness the business potential and huge customer reach of social media for changing their business fortunes. Although, social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and others are actively used by various business organizations but yet few of them are actually able to get the huge leverage of these global platforms for the growth of their business organization. The common reason for the failure of social media marketing of different business organizations are due to the unwanted and half baked social media strategies that are killing your conversion rates and site traffic. Here are the top 5 social media strategy that can change the fortunes of your business organization.

Include suggestions and feedback from every team members-

In order to ensure that your social media strategies are getting approved by every team member on the board, you need to get necessary feedbacks and suggestions from various people involved and should incorporate required suggestions in your social media strategy so as to make maximum impact among your social media customers. Disagreement and non approval of different team members involved are seen as one of the top 5 reasons for the failure of a social media strategy of a business organization.

Select the appropriate social media platform based on the nature and interest of your business and its targeted customers-

It is possible that one social media platform that works for a particular business organization may not work exactly for your business organization. To avoid such possible scenario, it is important to understand your nature of business and your targeted customers so as to prepare your social media strategy accordingly. You need to analyze the interested social media platforms used by your targeted customers so as to understand which social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and such others are mostly used by them so as to target them effectively. Business organizations can take the help of various heat map tools like MockingFish that can provide the information about the social media icons or buttons that are mostly clicked by your site visitors for accessing their social media accounts so that you can understand which are the most beneficial social platforms for your business organization for effective customer targeting.

Establish short term and long term goals for your business organization-

If you want your social media strategy to provide you desired business results, you need to establish short term and long term goals for your business organization. Your long term goals for your business can be increase in site traffic, conversion rates optimization, increase in product sales and other such factors. Whereas, your short term goals can be increase in site traffic for a particular campaign, increase number of sign ups for getting voucher cards during a campaign and other such metrics. Depending upon the utmost necessity of your goals, you can build your social media strategy acordingly for getting the maximum results.

Use appealing content to grab customer attention-

For getting maximum customer attention towards your social media posts, you need to have an appealing and engaging content. Use optimized images, infographics, captions and other such elements so as to make your social media content more enticing to your targeted customers so as to improve your conversion rates and product sales. If you can’t get the attention of your customer, you can’t compel them to make purchase through your e- commerce site.

Analyze the performance of your social media efforts-

Without getting information about the performance of your social media efforts, you can’t decide what is lacking in your social media strategies that are affecting your conversion rates. In order to analyze the performance of your social media efforts, you need to utilize various heat map tools like Mocking Fish so as to understand how many visiting customers are actually converting into purchasing customers so as to increase your conversion rates and product sales. By having this clear information, you can implement necessary corrective steps so as to improve the conversion rates and site traffic for your business organization.

So, follow these social media tips so as to make a drasting change in your social media presence and reach of your business organization. With the support and effective implementation of these tips, you can easily make the maximum utilization of the social media platforms for the growth of your business organization.