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Top 3 Ways to Boost Shopping Cart Conversions

  • By Nitin Jain
  • May 28, 2015

Shoppers are on your site, they are interested in the product but the design of your shopping cart is causing you to lose many customers. Sounds familiar? It should.

Research conducted in the past indicates that the average eCommerce site is losing nearly 75% of its shoppers during shopping cart phase of transaction. While that statistic is probably influenced upward by a few terrible websites, the fact remains that most sites are losing huge number of customers by not focusing on their shopping cart.

This blog share few ways using which you can vastly improve conversions on your shopping cart.

1. Add Social Logins-

The availability of social logins encourages visitors to buy from you.

According to the Forrester research- “43% of traffic arriving at shopping cart comes through social media”

Moreover, social login allows users to sign in using their existing social account like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter rather than filling out lengthy forms and remembering another password.
Data collected from social login allows businesses to understand the user and personalize user’s experience. This further helps in increasing user engagement with the products and services offered by the brand.
On the other hand, social logins discourages forced registration. By accessing the demographic information of users, businesses are able to target markets and personalize their campaigns accordingly, thereby leading to increased conversions.

So, it can be said that social logins offer convenience for both businesses and customers; therefore it acts as a huge conversion booster.

2. Provide Trust

While shopping online, you might be confronted with many online shoppers who are buying for the first time and others who are concerned about disclosing any personal credit card information on your site. As an online seller, you need to ensure you assure your customers throughout the shopping experience. By doing so, you will be able to prevent concerns and make your customers feel comfortable and secure on your site. Listed below are some ways with which you can build trust on your site-

  • Offer money back guarantee
  • Display all important contact details like email, phone, chat, customer support, live assistance and so on
  • Provide customer reviews and testimonials
  • Last but not the least, display trust and security logos (100% secure checkout)

Do remember, customers will buy from you only if they trust you, therefore, in order to build and improve trust you need to have these on your site.

3. Say ‘NO’ To Hidden Shipping Charges

A study by E-tailing group shows that unconditional free shipping for all purchases was by far the most important criteria for customers. In 2007, a study conducted by Forrester Research shows that 61% of online shoppers prefer to shop with a retailer that offers free shipping than the one which does not. Paypal and comScore stated 43% of online consumers abandon their shopping cart because of unexpectedly high shipping charges in their survey in 2008.

Not having to pay for shipping has not only become a basic service for shoppers but a demand. Based on research and studies it can be concluded that free shipping entices customers to shop and have a positive impact on conversion rates.

As a site owner, you can try to work around for offering free shipping otherwise be sure to mention your shipping costs upfront to your customers. If you can charge a flat fee instead of per item, please do so.

Remember, there is no big conversion killer at checkout than surprise shipping fees so all you can do is offer intelligent shipping that personalized the shipping offer based on consumer choices.

So, what are you going to do in order to improve conversions on your website? Let us know by sharing your ideas.