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SkyGuard by AerialTech – Ensuring Safe and Legal Drone Flights

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Client Overview

SkyGuard is an innovative mobile application designed to make drone flights safe, efficient, and legally compliant for both novice and experienced drone pilots. With SkyGuard, users can browse airspace rules, plan flights, and analyze their performance post-flight. The app offers a seamless experience by providing real-time insights into legal compliance, helping pilots avoid potential violations while enhancing their flight experience.

Project Requirements

The client needed a mobile application that would enable drone operators to:

  • Easily schedule and manage their drone flights.
  • Access airspace regulations and plan routes within legal frameworks.
  • Receive notifications regarding any restrictions or risks associated with their planned flights.
  • Analyze flight performance post-flight to ensure future compliance and efficiency.

The project required a user-friendly interface, real-time map integration, and a clear display of airspace restrictions.

Solution Delivered:

The Velsof team developed a mobile app using Flutter for the frontend, ensuring a seamless and responsive user interface. For backend services, we used Supabase to manage user data, flight plans, and real-time information. Basic screens were built using PHP and JavaScript, ensuring efficient performance for all users.

Key Features Implemented:

  1. Flight Planning:  Users can schedule flights in advance or fly their drones directly by plotting routes and designating areas on the map.
  2. Real-time Airspace Rules:  The app provides instant access to airspace regulations and updates based on the user’s location, ensuring legal compliance.
  3. Risk Assessment and Legal Compliance:  SkyGuard helps users stay within the legal framework by flagging potential violations and displaying restriction zones on the map.
  4. Flight Analysis: After each flight, the analysis tool provides insights into performance, ensuring the user can refine their skills and remain compliant.

Key Challenges:

  1. Map Interaction for Flight Scheduling:
    Enabling drone operators to interact with maps, schedule flights, and draw the flight paths or areas they plan to use was a critical challenge.
    Solution: Our team integrated a robust map interface that allows users to draw paths and designate areas for their flights directly on the map. We developed an intuitive system using Flutter that lets users plot routes and visualize their flight plans in real time.
  2. Display of Restriction Zones:
    Challenge: It was essential to display various levels of airspace restrictions on the map, so drone operators could plan flights without violating regulations.
    Solution: By integrating with relevant airspace databases and using Supabase for backend services, we developed a system that overlays restriction zones on the map in real time. The app clearly marks areas with different restriction levels, allowing users to adjust their flight paths and avoid legal violations.

Technologies Used:

  • Front-end: Flutter
  • Back-end: Supabase
  • Basic Screens: PHP, JavaScript


The SkyGuard app is a comprehensive solution for drone operators, enabling them to manage their flights safely and within the bounds of the law. By overcoming challenges related to map interaction and airspace restriction display, Velsof delivered a user-friendly, reliable, and scalable application that has simplified the drone flying experience.
This case study demonstrates Velsof’s ability to deliver complex, technology-driven solutions that meet client expectations and regulatory requirements. SkyGuard is a perfect example of our expertise in creating practical, user-focused applications in the drone management space.