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Google launches mobile friendly labels, testing tool to boost up website’s search engine ranking

  • By Nitin Jain
  • December 9, 2014

According to Google- “Webmasters need to go mobile friendly.

Highlighting the efforts to persuade webmasters, Google made an announcement recently by launching mobile friendly label. With this newly designed feature, mobile searchers will be able to know which sites they click on are mobile-friendly and which are not on mobile search results. Landing on a non-optimized web page can be very frustrating and annoying for mobile users. All thanks to this new label that allows users to recognize which page to click on if they want to navigate without any issues, while using their i-Phones or tablets.

Mobile-Friendly Label

Google has added a text label to help mobile searchers know which sites are optimized for their phone and which are not.Picture1

This text label is found under the URL of website that reads “Mobile Friendly” as the first part of search result’s snippet.

It is visible only on your smart phone’s screen and not on the desktop version of Google even if websites are optimized for being mobile friendly.

How to Make Your Website Mobile Friendly in Google Mobile Search Engine

Google has also declared that it is carrying out research with a brand new algorithm designed for websites that have already been optimized for portable device users. For ranking up higher under this new algorithm update, digital marketing managers must follow these guidelines prescribed by Google-

  • A mobile responsive design
  • Eliminating the use of animated and flash content which cause mobile screen to run slow
  • Avoiding usage of software that is not used on portable devices as Flash
  • Content Optimization that allows writing content in a way that it is readable for users. The text should be written be keeping in mind the appropriate screen size
  •  Size content to the screen so that users don’t have to scroll horizontally or zoom

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

In order to check the compatibility of websites with these mobile friendly labels, Google has launched a mobile-friendly testing tool that tells you whether your site passes or fails for being compatible on mobile platforms. This tool allows you to modify the design of your website.

If your web page passes the compatibility test, you will get a message-

Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly

If your website is not friendly on Google Mobile Search Engine, then it shows-

Not mobile-friendly

In addition to it, Google Mobile Testing Tool works smartly for those websites that do not pass the test by pointing out exact errors why your site did not pass the test and also asks to follow some simple steps to follow the actual issue. The most common issues that Google reports for websites that do not pass this test are-

  • Close linking patterns
  • Text not readable
  • Mobile viewport not set