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PWA Vs. Native App: Which Is the Better Option?

  • By Nitin Jain
  • November 29, 2022

In the past, if you wanted to create a mobile app, you had to choose between two options: PWA or a native app. But which one is the better option? This blog post will discuss the pros and cons of PWA and native apps and help you decide which option is best for your business.

What is the Difference Between PWAs and Native Apps?

There are many differences between PWAs and native apps, but the most crucial difference is that PWAs are web apps designed to work offline, while native apps are installed on your device.

Native apps are built specifically for a particular operating system (iOS or Android), while PWAs can be used on any platform. PWAs are less expensive to develop than native apps and may be updated without the need for app store approval. Native apps, on the other hand, provide a better user experience and have access to all of the operating system’s features.

So, which option is best for your business? It depends on your goals and objectives. If you want to create an affordable app that can be used on any platform, then a PWA is the best option. A native app, on the other hand, is the greatest option if you want to design an app that gives the best user experience and has access to all of the operating system’s capabilities.

PWA vs. Native App: A Quick Comparison

 PWA vs. Native App: A Quick Comparison

When it comes to choosing between a PWA and a native app, You must consider several factors, including cost, development time, user experience, and others. Let us examine each of these factors in greater detail:


PWAs are more affordable to develop than native apps. This is because they can be created using web technologies, which are less expensive than native SDKs.

Development time:

PWAs can be developed faster than native apps because they don’t require going through the app store approval process. In addition, updates to PWAs can be released immediately without going through the approval process.

User experience:

Native apps provide a better user experience than PWAs because they have access to all the operating system’s features. PWAs, on the other hand, are designed to work offline and can’t take advantage of all the operating system’s features.

PWA vs. Native App: Which is The Better Option?

There are two main options for creating mobile apps: Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and native apps. So, which one should you go to for your company? Let us examine the benefits and drawbacks of each option:



  1. Cheaper to develop than a native app
  2. Can be developed faster
  3. No need to submit to app stores
  4. Can be used on any platform
  5. Updates are automatically pushed to users


  1.  May not have all the features of a native app
  2.  May not be as reliable as a native app
  3.  May not be as well-designed as a native app

Native App:


  1. Can access all the features of the device
  2. Can work offline
  3. Push notifications can be used to engage with users
  4. May have a better user experience


  1. More expensive to develop than a PWA
  2. Takes longer to develop
  3. Must be submitted to app stores
  4. Updates must be approved by the app store before they are pushed to users

So, which option is best for your business? It depends on your budget, your timeline, and your app’s features. A PWA is the best option if you need a fast, cheap, and reliable app.

Advantages of a PWA Over Native Apps

The main advantage of a PWA over native apps is that they are more affordable to develop and can be used on any platform. In addition, PWAs can be updated without going through the app store approval process. On the other hand, native apps provide a better user experience and have access to all the features of the operating system.

Disadvantages of a PWA Over Native Apps

The biggest disadvantage of a PWA over a native app is that it may lack all of the functionalities of a native app. In addition, PWAs may not be as reliable as a native app and may not be as well-designed as a native app.

Which is Better for My Business, a PWA or a Native App?


It depends on your budget, your timeline, and your app’s features. A PWA is the best option if you need a fast, cheap, and reliable app. However, if you need an app with all the whistles and bells, then a native app is the way to go.

Using a PWA or a native app has both advantages and disadvantages. However, it ultimately depends on your business needs and which option is best for you. A PWA is the best option if you need a fast, cheap, and reliable app. However, if you need an application with all the bells and whistles, then a native app is the way to go. So, consider your options carefully before making a decision. Whichever route you take, ensure that you have a clear strategy in place to ensure success.