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How To Deal With The Unsold Inventory Of Your E- Commerce Sites?

  • By Joe
  • October 6, 2015

Unmoving inventory is the cause of concern and problem for every e- commerce organization that is aspiring for improved conversion rates and product sales. If your stocked goods are not clearing off your shelves, you need to take immediate steps to encourage your site visitors to make purchase through your e- commerce store. This is a serious issue as a stagnant inventory control will not allow your e- commerce organization to get updated according to the latest trend. In order to face this gruesome issue, we provide you some quick tips which can help your PrestaShop online stores to clear off its goods.

Take a quick look around your inventory control

You need to have a complete detailed information about the various products available on your e- commerce store by keeping a close track on the inventory control of your store. Make a list of all those products that are not in demand among your targeted customers and are occupying your store shelves for a considerable amount of time. Depending upon the list of your products, you can implement appropriate marketing strategies and sales offers so as to increase the product sales of your e- commerce site.

Mix your non clearing stock with the product stock that is in huge demand-

Exciting product combination can help in increasing the product sales of your unsold product items from your PrestaShop based store. Provide the best of both worlds by combining your most loved products with the least sold product item so as to grab the customer attention towards your online site. You can also run a successful marketing campaigns among your targeted customers so as to inform them about the utility of your shopping offer.

Increase your product sales by providing exciting offers and out- of- the- box sales ideas-

Business organizations can provide attractive shopping options to their targeted customers by providing price discount rates, limited time period shopping festival, attractive gift cards, shopping vouchers and other such offers. Further, you can add a charity element to your least sold product items by donating a part of your sales to some charity organization so as to encourage your customers in purchasing these items for contributing towards a good cause. The contribution towards charities through the sales of these products will further help in providing tax benefits to your e- commerce organization so as to improve your profit margins.

Provide your products through alternative routes like Marketplaces

In order to boost the reach and sales of your product items among your targeted customers, you need to explore alternatives routes like marketplaces. These marketplaces allow different sellers to place their products on their platform so as to increase their chances of sales among your potential customers. Numerous e- commerce stores are utilizing the facility of marketplaces so as to provide seamless availability of their products among their customers.

These crucial tips can easily improve the product sales and conversion rates of your PrestaShop e- commerce stores and can provide you a comfortable position among your business rivals. Follow these useful tips that can ensure the effective clearance of the unsold product items from the inventory control of your e- commerce store.