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How Mobile Responsive Design is Changing Ecommerce?

  • By Nitin Jain
  • June 16, 2015

Internet has changed the way businesses communicate with their users. There seems to be no constant except for change. Eventually increasing use of mobile web from a large range of devices like desktop, tablet, mobile has created a need to develop a unified cross- device web experience. It means that eCommerce businesses must design websites that could serve everyone.

A responsive or adaptive web design serves this purpose by sending standard programming codes that enables website to be displayed correctly on any screen size. HTML coding sent from the server is consistent for any device requesting the data. The layout designed is based on a grid concept using rows, columns and break points. The Responsive Web Design uses the flexible layouts, fluid grids and media queries to make the website exhibited on the screen of device used for accessing the website. A fluid grid is one of the key ideas behind a responsive web design. This design allows layouts to fit in or adapt to any screen size from PC’s to tiny mobile devices. By equally resizing in width, all the elements in a given layout will be visible on any type of device. Fluid grid works in synchronization with CSS3 media queries in responsive web designs. The media queries are further supported by a wide selection of browsers and they enable you to collect information or data from the site user. CSS styles can then be conditionally applied using the collected data.

Reasons why responsive web design is recommended for every eCommerce business-

Flexible websites- Websites that are built in this way fit in all screen size. There was a time when websites were primarily designed for desktop computers. But with the emergence of small and portable devices, web designers felt the need to design websites that are flexible and can be viewed on any device.

Lower Bounce Rate- “Bounce Rate” is the percentage of website visitors who leave a site without fully or partly exploring it.  Bounce rate increases due to several reasons including poor navigation and slow loading web pages. A responsive design ensures lower bounce rate by keeping the navigation easier and increasing the usability quotient of a website.

Fluid Designs- Text content and images used on these sites are adaptable with new technologies and scope for further changes/modification remains wide open for the website maintenance professionals.

Multiple Channel Targeting- Responsive web designs especially helps businesses catering to multiple channels. With responsive they can get an affordable yet effective single channel to market their brand across different market segments. Besides, with responsive websites enable users to share device specific links amongst themselves for easier and faster access to sites.

Increase in SEO- Responsive web designs help you to focus more on search engine optimization on a single site which is optimized for multiple platforms. Google picks up on sites with consistent traffic, enhanced user experience metrics, high returning visits and lower bounce rate. Thus, responsive web pages clearly fit in Google algorithms. Google takes into account mobile searches performed by users and responsive sites rank higher on search engines.

High Revenue Generation- Responsive sites attract higher traffic due to its accessibility in far-off locations. According to Google’s data- “7% of all searches come from tablets, 14% from mobile devices and 79% via desktops.” Brands get a collective benefit of all these sources. Such practices lead to higher and notable conversions for new and existing brands.

Enhanced Customer Experience- Responsive web pages are highly adaptable and give users the convenience to access information even from remote areas. No matter what device your users are using the site will easily fit in into its format. Responsive pages are in built with more CTA buttons as compared to desktop sites. Inclusion of vertical scrolls as opposed to horizontal scrolls makes data viewing experience faster and engaging. Businesses can ensure higher sales and build a dedicated pool of customers.


Web design continues to change at a faster pace. Responsive web design is the solution to create optimal viewing experiences for your users. It allows your website for ideal viewing, easy reading and effective navigation with the minimal need to reside and scroll, no matter what device your site is being viewed from.