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Add Spice to Your Content Marketing With the Help of Comments

  • By Nitin Jain
  • June 18, 2015

Online marketers always look for innovative ways to reach consumers and BLOG COMMENTING provides such a platform where you can drive traffic to your site as well as reach a wider set of audiences.

“Recently, Disqus (a blog commenting-hosting service) announced that it will roll out sponsored comments or native ads at the top of reader comment threads.”

By targeting readers based on what they read and comment about, Disqus allows advertisers to leverage the massive amount of information the service has about customers.

Blog commenting is one of the ways of building back links. Commenting is definitely a quality link building technique if you do it correctly. Commenting is both a long term as well as short term strategy. It is a great way of obtaining high quality links and increasing website visibility.

While commenting on a blog post, one needs to be very swift in making a comment to get a high place in commenting on a blog. Add something of great value to your blog commenting will more than likely get your comments published by the blog owner. In order to add value, it is imperative that you read the entire post. Secondly, have some knowledge of the topic and share something new to the blog post or to other existing comments.

Advantages of Blog Commenting-

  • Helps achieve greater traffic- If you are adding great value and quality to comments on popular blogs, then you will see a considerable amount of traffic on your own site.
  • Link building- Many blog commenting sites allow you to add a website link with your blog comment. This will help generate back links to your site by making it easy for someone to click over to know more about your services.
  • Establishes credibility for your brand- When it comes to blog commenting, it becomes highly important to add and encourage additional comments from the ones already posted there.
  • Enhanced Brand Exposure- Blogging gives you full free exposure and brand awareness in front of your tailored audiences. If you post quality comments, more and more readers will read it and come to know about your services and in turn it will increase your brand exposure. When shared over social media, quality rich blog commenting will create excellent impression over your new visitors, as they will come to know about your blog’s popularity for sure. Always remember, whenever you submit a well- researched post, it will definitely pacify you and bring acknowledgement.