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Why is eCommerce Abandoned cart a threat to your online business?

  • By Joe
  • March 8, 2017
Why is eCommerce Abandoned cart a threat to your online business | Velsof
eCommerce Abandoned cart is a threat your online business

E-Commerce Abandoned cart- These three words have shaken the eCommerce businesses from time to time. Today’s eCommerce customer wants you to provide him an un-compromised shopping experience that is hassle free, smooth, relevant and quick. However, most of the online businesses fail to strongly deliver the same. To shed some more light on these shopping experiences, I have outlined some reasons for why eCommerce Abandoned cart are generated on your online store and why it is a threat to your online business:

  • Pain of account registration at the checkout page –

Account registration is always a pain for the customers. They hate it. The hatred turns out to be a rage when you ask your customers to register a user account on the checkout page. According to an online survey, in the US alone 11 % of eCommerce Abandoned carts are generated at the checkout page just because customers did not want to register an account or they found the registration process too lengthy.



The rival sites take the advantage of this drawback on your site, and they start optimizing the checkout process to lure the customers from your site to their site. For example, they might come up with guest checkout option or a social login option. Therefore, a single drawback in your checkout process results into a great loss in your sales due to eCommerce Abandoned cart.

  • Shoppers are not limited on Desktops anymore

Gone are the days when a shopper used to depend on their desktops for online shopping. Now the users are browsing their favorites website on their Smartphones and tablets. In direct words, more and more shoppers are using their mobile devices to research about their wanted products and services. According to the research by Baynote, 60 % of shoppers used mobile phones and tablets to research about a product prior to visiting the store for final purchase.


So, if your website is not capable of serving the needs and requirement of mobile shoppers, it will surely loose a wide share of sale that could have came to your business. In other words, if your website is not responsive, it will not come to the attention of the mobile users at all. Generating a competitive disadvantage against your rival sites who are responsive already.

  • Not all the abandoned carts are due to a drawback-

In most of the articles about eCommerce Abandoned cart, you must have gone through various possible drawbacks that encourage shopping cart abandonment on your store. However, not all the eCommerce Abandoned carts are due to a drawback on your website. For example, according to tot eMarketer, 57% of shoppers in the US abandoned their shopping carts because they were not ready to purchase but have come to the site to checkout how much it will cost with all the taxes and shipping charges included.

In this case, there is a sure chance that the customer will abandon the cart and will just re-empty it. However, even such conditions could have been handled on your website if you would have provided an option to save the cart for later.

Each of the reasons for eCommerce Abandoned cart on eCommerce site is an addition to your losses and a great threat to your online existence. There are unlimited reasons for why shoppers abandon a shopping cart. Likewise, there is a way to tackle every reason for eCommerce Abandoned carts if a planned website structure is there in your strategy.