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How to drive customers towards your eCommerce organization through an efficient Shipping Services?

  • By Joe
  • October 6, 2015

Efficient shipping services is the major concern for numerous eCommerce organizations of the world and is threatening their conversion rates and product sales to a great extent. If you can’t deliver the ordered goods of your customers safely and according to the specified time interval, your eCommerce business is sure to suffer. So, it is not a startling revelation that your eCcommerce shipping can build or shatter the online reputation management of your business organization in a short span of time. Moreover, customers do feel more attached and loyal to your eCommerce organization if you can deliver their ordered products at the scheduled time frame. In order to prevent the negative effect of shipping on the growth and progress of your eCommerce organization, you need to implement the following tips which are described below.

Offer free shipping services to your targeted customers-

By eliminating the shipping cost from the final checkout amount, business organizations can persuade large number of people to make online purchase through their eCommerce store. You can’t imagine how a small waving of the shipping cost can act as a big booster for your conversion rates and product sales. So, remove the shipping cost from your final payment so as to make your customers hooked to your eCommerce organization and to create a loyal customer base for your advertised and featured products on your store.

Encourage customers to perform online shopping by providing them multiple shipping facilities-

It is a good idea to provide multiple shipping options to your targeted customers so that they can choose the required shipping provider for their ordered products depending upon their urgency and pocket size. Don’t push your customers towards a specific eCommerce shipping service provider as it can frustrate them and can alienate them from your eCommerce site. Further, this exercise will instill a sense of confidence and loyalty among your targeted customers regarding your business organization.

Provide advanced shipping services to your customers without adding a single penny to your customer’s account-

Most often, various eCommerce sites upgrade the shipping option of their targeted customers so as to make them more inclined towards your business organization. For example, you can provide express shipping delivery to your customers who have opted for standard shipping delivery which usually takes 4-5 business days for delivering ordered products to customer’s premise without any extra cost. This will make your customers feel valued and they will appreciate your good will gesture and will reciprocate accordingly by spreading positive word about your services through word- of- mouth advertising or customer reviews.

Inform customers about your special shipping offers through promotional and marketing strategies-

It is a common practice that is being followed by numerous eCommerce organizations of the world that customers are mostly offered price discounts, shopping offers and other such mechanisms to boost their product sales. But, you can also improve your conversion rates and product sales with a much lesser spending than those price discounts by providing various shipping offers like free shipping, discount shipping charges or other such offers. These customized shipping offers will be more economical to your eCommerce organization than those hefty price cuts in your advertised products and will improve your profit margins to a great extent.

So, by paying adequate attention to your shipping services, business organization can effortlessly improve their product sales and conversion rates to a great extent. You would be surprised to note the amazing effects which this small shipping service can do to your eCommerce store in the long run of your business organization.