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How can you choose the best template for your online store?

  • By Joe
  • September 27, 2016
How can you choose the best template for your online store? | Velsof
Get the perfect OpenCart template design for your site to improve your business fortunes.

The look of the website needs to be a “killer and eye ball grabbing” in order to make instant impression upon the targeted customers. People have become much choosy and moody when it comes to make online purchase. Furthermore, in this competitive business scenario, it is important to keep your customer engaged to your online store for grabbing maximum sales.

The selection of the right template can help a lot in this direction and can fulfill your desired business aspirations. However, the big question arises “how can you get the right template for your online store”. To help you in this critical question, it is important to keep in mind the certain points before availing the OpenCart template design services of Velocity for an engaging OpenCart website. Here is the crucial checklist explained below.

Consider the layout of your site-


Choose the best template for your online store- Consider the layout of your site | Velsof
Evaluate the site structure for grabbing the right OpenCart template for your site.

Before finalizing the right template for your online store, it is important to have a better understanding about the layout of your website. Based on the structure of your website, you can select the appropriate template that can help your business grow properly. Check out the site layout and structure to get a better idea about your site and then select the appropriate OpenCart template design services like Velocity that can offer you a promising site.

Selection of the right content width for the site-

There are normally two types of content width which are full width and boxed width that are used by most of the templates on a site. Full width layout uses the complete width of a computer screen starting from the left side of the screen to the extreme right side of the screen. This layout hence gives the impression of an uninterrupted presence of a website content.

Similarly, boxed width approach can provide the content through the visible frame to the both sides of the screen. In this way, it can offer the feeling that the content is “boxed” into a particular set area. Both of these layouts provide different kind of content widths on a site for ensuring better customer engagement, conversions and sales. Get the right OpenCart template design services based on the content width requirement of your OpenCart site to make the maximum business impact.

Appropriate home page header layout for the site-

Choose the best template for your online store- Appropriate home page header layout for the site | Velsof
An engaging home page header layout has the potential to improve the business fortunes of a site.

For grabbing the immediate attention of your targeted customers, it is important to have a proper and engaging home page header design on your site. Making the right selection of the home page header layout is a critical decision and can earn you customers or bounce rates. You need to employ the best OpenCart template design services of Velocity that can convey the main essence of your home page by including right static images, navigation buttons, slideshows, engaging and awareness promotion content, banners and other such components. Site owners can try out the various available home page header layouts like static header image with no content, static header image with content, slideshow header with content, video background header or any other layout for grabbing higher conversions and sales.

Adopt the right menu bar design for your site-

The presence of the right menu bar design is important for utilizing the site template in the best possible manner. This is because the menu bar is the primary set of tools that help visitors to navigate around a site for accessing the required information. It is important to use a clean and simple design that is clutter free for better site navigation. Apart from this, you need to avoid distracting heavy background/banner, choose the right font type/size, appropriate position of the menu bar and other such considerations. Based on all these factors, you can take the help of a reputed OpenCart template design services of Velocity for deciding the right position for the placement of menu bar on your site.

You don’t need to experience the decrease in your business fortunes just because of the absence of an engaging template design on your site. It is time to rectify your mistake by availing the wonderful OpenCart template design services of Velocity for a quick business turnaround. For more information, do visit the website at for other services offered by us.

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