Author: Joe

Has the Google started mobile-first indexing | Velsof
  • November 10, 2016
  • Joe

Has the Google started Mobile-First Indexing?

Google’s mobile-first indexing was just a strong rumor until now in the SEO world. But now, Google has finally started experimenting the approach for looking at the mobile content first,

Watch out these 6 web development trends for 2016 | Velsof
  • November 8, 2016
  • Joe

Watch out these 6 Web Development Trends for 2016

Getting an amazing website is both the need and wish of numerous businesses around the world. The battle of grabbing customers through website design is intensifying every day and the

5 SEO blunders to watch out in a website | Velsof
  • October 24, 2016
  • Joe

5 SEO blunders to watch out in a Website

“No mistake is too small to be ignored sometimes when the stakes are too high”. Yes, you heard it right, every mistake in SEO can prove to be disastrous if

How to hire a Magento development company? | Velsof
  • October 12, 2016
  • Joe

How to hire a Magento Development Company?

Magento is a quiet popular eCommerce website platform. With all the necessary features and functionalities already provided in the default installation, it has the ability to build a huge eCommerce