Author: Joe

  • February 8, 2017
  • Joe

How to install WordPress latest module on Ubuntu?

WordPress has earned some really reliable name in the world of content management. With over 23% of the total market capitalization, the platform has proven it’s worth beyond any doubt.

Steps to upgrade your OpenCart based website | Velsof
  • February 2, 2017
  • Joe

Steps to upgrade your OpenCart based website

OpenCart is one of the most prominent open source eCommerce platform that most of the websites rely upon. With its effective features and functionality, it has earned the credits of

How to recover your website hit by Google Penguin? | Velsof
  • January 31, 2017
  • Joe

How to recover your website hit by Google Penguin?

Google’s new penguin algorithm has hit the digital world with a mighty blow. The anti-spamming algorithm from the webmaster seems to tighten the cruise against those who undertake unethical SEO

How to install OpenCart on Linux localhost? | Velsof
  • January 25, 2017
  • Joe

How to install OpenCart on Linux localhost?

Being a free open source eCommerce platform, OpenCart has attracted a large number of websites to make it their preferred choice. OpenCart has been supporting a wide range of eCommerce