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How To Save Your E-Commerce Organization From The Shopping Cart Abandonment Blues?

  • By Joe
  • October 13, 2015
E- Commerce Organization From The Shopping Cart Abandonment Blues
Get your abandoned customers back to your store by providing an exciting user friendly and engaging website experience.

It is a common scenario in the eCommerce organization about customers leaving their shopping cart in the middle and not completing their online payment for their ordered goods. This is a matter of great concern as these increasing shopping cart abandonments are declining the prestige and online reputation of your business organization. Further, if not tackled at the appropriate time, they can pose significant threat to your conversion rates and product sales. This aggravating situation can act as a severe death blow to your future business prospects, hence suitable remedial measures need to be taken against it. Take a look at the following action points that can save your business organization from the ill effects of shopping cart abandonment.

Offer secure payment facilities to your online shoppers

Secure payment facilities to your online shoppers | Velsof
Security seals adds a sense of freedom to customers that their online transactions are free from forgery, theft and counterfeiting.


Customers now a days have become more concerned about the increased instances of the online theft, forgery and fraudulent transactions. They have become sceptical in sharing their personal information like credit card information, email address and other such details due to the increased fear of misuse of these crucial data. In these circumstances, it is the sole responsibility of the business organizations to make use of SSL encryption techniques in their third party payment processes so as to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the customer’s personal information.

Moreover, you can also earn trust badges and security seals like Norton, TRUSTe, McAfee SECURE, GeoTrust and other such so as to instill a sense of confidence and trust in your payment options.

Don’t pay attention to the site frills but on the site navigation- It is a known fact that online shoppers opt for the online shopping due to ease of home shopping and the absence of goods handling problems. However, with time these things are put on the back-burner and instead all focus is directed towards making the site more appealing by adding unnecessary props. This is a wasted opportunity as an appealing and engaging site is of no use if it is not easy for the people to navigate around it. Business organizations should give enough thrust behind the seamless navigation of the online shoppers from one page to another page of their eCommerce site so as to reduce the eCommerce abandonment rate on their site and to ensure easy browsing of the product pages and categories.

Address checkout related concerns of your targeted customers- Any eCommerce store will be considered by the online shoppers for purchase only if it offers a hassle free checkout experience to its customers. Don’t ignore the checkout related woes of your customers as “If it is not easy to shop, they are actually not going to shop either”. So, don’t ask for irrelevant details during checkout process but aim at reducing the numerous complexities and challenges that emerges out during the checkout process. If you can simplify the checkout related concerns of your customers, you can actually compel them to make online purchase through your eCommerce store.

Provide multiple payment and shipping options for increased convenience of your customers

multiple payment and shipping options | Velsof
Multiple payment options make your customers more confident while shopping.


It is a good business practice to provide options to your customers while making a crucial decision so as to increase their engagement with your business organization. Similarly, you need to provide multiple payment options and shipping facilities to your targeted customers so that they could be more comfortable while ordering any product from your online eCommerce store.

It has been observed that the added freedom in the selection of payment and shipping facilities do boost the confidence of your targeted customers into your particular business organization which in turn improves your conversion rates.

Guide your customers through the registration process and make it more streamlining with your eCommerce organization- Work towards making the lives of your online shoppers more easier by guiding them towards a seamless registration process where customers can easily register without actually getting being harassed through irrelevant personal information and difficult sign up process. Business organizations should provide a demo tour, walk- throughs or any other such event so as to create awareness among customers about their registration process. Further, try to streamline your registration process as an important constituent of your eCommerce site by providing ebooks, newsletter subscription, free software trial or any other such practice so as to make registration process an engaging affair rather than an irrelevant exercise for your online customers.

Provide easy recovery facility of the abandoned shopping carts- In order to encourage your customers for completing their earlier pending online shopping orders, eCommerce organizations need to provide an added advantage to their customers by offering easy recovery facility of their abandoned shopping carts. You can send reminder emails about their pending orders and can offer a one click option to get their old abandoned shopping cart back so as to help them in completing their previous orders. If customers don’t have to scratch their head while getting their carts back, they will be more than happy and willing to complete their pending shopping orders which will ultimately reduce your shopping cart abandonment rate.

Don’t hide any overhead expenses from customers when they are making the final payment- Most often, business organizations don’t reveal other shopping related expenses to the customers before hand and just quietly add them to the final checkout payment resulting in the steep increase of the prices. This is seen as a means of deceptive business practice by numerous online shoppers and they eventually leave a particular eCommerce site.

As, trust building is an important factor in increasing the growth opportunities and loyal customer base for a business organization, so eCommerce store need to be fair and transparent in their business transactions. Moreover, these unnecessary hidden charges lead dissatisfaction among customers which is an alarming sign for any rising business organization.

Make your available prices more attractive and consumer friendly for your targeted customers- In a competitive business environment, prices are one of the most important concern for any eCommerce organization so as to compel customers to make online purchase through their eCommerce store. Show your customers that your offered prices are the most pocket friendly to them and they are unable to struck a better deal apart from the prices offered by you. You need to take a closer look at the prices offered by your rivals so as to make your prices more alluring to your customers. Further, business organizations can engage their customers in the price setting exercise so as to make their offered prices as the most profitable deal that is unmatched and simply best in class. If you are able to settle down scores with your targeted customers regarding pricing concerns, you can easily beat your competitors in terms of the conversion rates and product sales.

Target back your abandoned customers with a more customer oriented retargeting practices

customer oriented retargeting practices | Velsof
Retarget your customers effectively for getting your lost sales opportunity back.

Don’t leave your customers even if they are alienated from your eCommerce organization due to one or the other reasons. But, rather make your retargeting campaigns more customer friendly by including various practices like customized email retargeting campaigns, retargeting ads, attractive shopping offers or any other such incentives so as to bring back the focus of your abandoned customers towards your eCommerce site. Make your shopping offers more appealing like never before so that the customers can’t resist from purchasing online through your eCommerce site.

It will make him/her realize that he/she is being valued as a customer and the business organization is dedicated to serve him/her in the best possible way. Further, it will mend your strained relationship with your customers and will provide you ample opportunities to limit the number of shopping cart abandonment rate on your site.

Ensure easy accessibility to the customer service on your site

Easy Accessibility To The Customer Service | Velsof
Make your customers more engaged and loyal to your eCommerce store by providing a seamless customer care services.

Customer service has been a major headache for numerous online shoppers as they are unable to get a direct communication medium to interact with the concerned authorities regarding their delay in shipping delivery, product return policy, improper quality of the goods delivered, online shopping experience or other such concerns. You need to provide a seamless availability of the contact details of your business organization so as to ensure a healthy company- customer relationship with your targeted customers.

Providing facilities like round the clock live chat service, email service, phone support or any other such medium will give your customers a sense of fulfillment that your business organization is standing with them even at the time of adversities.

Now, is the opportune time for your business organization to make significant improvements in its business fortunes by resolving all shopping cart related issues by paying adequate attention to all these factors. Once, you can achieve satisfactory results in all these areas, your eCommerce organization will surely reach greater heights and “Sky is the ultimate limit for your business organization”.